Things you shouldn't be doing with your phone on a first dinner date

First dates, you got to love them right? Like seriously, there’s no other better way to get to know your date aside from sitting down with them over a quality dinner time date. With very little disturbance (hopefully), you can engage in some intellectual conversation to gauge the level of interest between each other. Lurking deep in your pocket, however, you might be distracted by your trusty smartphone, which as we know, probably helped you in some way in landing the date in the first place. Still, it might prove to be the deal breaker that might put the brakes on a possible second date.
By now, we hope that everyone is well aware about the proper etiquette behavior surrounding the use of mobile devices over dinner, but if not, we’ve got some things to share with you. Honestly, you don’t want to blow your chances on a second date, just because you somehow decided to whip out your phone during dinner. Therefore, the next time you find yourself in this specific predicament, just remember the things you shouldn’t be doing with your phone on a first dinner date. Also, if there are any other tips that you might think that are valid for this scenario, please feel free to share them with us below. We’re curious to know what else is out there.
Things that are NOT allowed: