The new official Android ad shows that Google has finally found its voice: it's all about inclusivity

Knowing that its Nexus 6 was just about to be announced publicly, Google started out its day yesterday by posting a series of micro ad teasers every few hours or so, before reaching a total of 9 whole separate ads. Through these resonates a simple new mission statement: Android is all about inclusivity and fun. At least Google seems intent on pushing that message, and we've got to say that we very much like this new approach.
This makes sense. After all, Android is the most popular mobile operating system by far, servicing essentially every category currently in existence. But we're probably not alone in thinking that these new ads are also something of an indirect stab at Apple, whose products are, in comparison, positioned as generally more exclusive. And that has worked a miracle for the iPhone maker.
In any case, it's nice to see Google's comport waning and showing that it can be a bit closer to both Android fans and its many OEM partners, both of which received a nod. Don't quite get what we mean? Well, if you haven't jumped to the playlist below already, now would be a good time to check the ads out and see for yourself.
Things that are NOT allowed: