The iPhone 6 might surprise with different looks: curved screen and a glowing Apple logo


The upcoming iPhone 6 might look different than all the earlier leaked images suggest, according to a report by well-connected Japanese publication Nikkei.

We've seen the dummy units that have been flying around in the past month or so, all with weird-looking strips of plastic breaking the metal frame, outlining openings for the antenna of the iPhone 6. This, however, might not be the final design - Nikkei suggests that these are just markings to show where manufacturers will need to cut out spots for two glass pieces, resulting in an iPhone 6 that would resemble closely the current iPhone 5s design.

Another cool new design feature of the iPhone 6 could be that the Apple logo will actually be carved in the body of the phone. In fact, we’ve already seen such dummies leak out, but having the confirmation from Nikkei is even more reassuring. Speculation is that Apple might even make the logo glow, like on their laptops.

The wildest part of this new report, however, is about the display. The new iPhone 6 could actually feature a curved screen, like the one on the LG G Flex, according to Nikkei. A curved screen has the theoretical advantage of less glare, and thus better outdoor readability, but if done right, it could simply also look very cool. Even if this turns out true, though, we cannot be sure about the actual curve of that display, as it could be much subtler than the one on the G Flex. Nikkei's report about the possible curved screen on the iPhone 6, however, is not the first one out there - just a few days Japanese Apple blog Mac Otakara published a similar theory.

Whatever the new iPhone 6 turns out to be, this latest news all confirm one thing: it’s too early to start making final predictions about the iPhone 6 just yet.

source: Nikkei (translated) via GForGames

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