The Ubuntu Edge shatters crowdfunding record, will still probably fail to meet goal

There's no denying that theUbuntu Edge has won a place in our hearts. Not only is it agreat looking phone, but the promised specs on it far exceededeven our wildest dreams. Unfortunately, a dream is precisely what theUbuntu Edge looks destined to become, for it is pretty safe to saythat the campaign will not reach the fixed, $32 million goal requiredto fund the project. And while it is unlikely that we'll get to holdthe Edge in our hands, nobody can call it a failure and claimobjectivity. Why? Because despite the seemingly inevitable doom ofthe campaign, at $10,337,591 raised as of this writing, the UbuntuEdge has just broken the world record for a fixed crowdfundingcampaign, surpassing the $10,266,845 raised by the Pebble smartwatch.
Sure, the difference is miniscule,all things considered, but Canonical (the company behind Ubuntu) hasnevertheless acquired more than sufficient validation for itsproduct, and as good a proof-of-concept as future investors could askfor.
A handy website which data-minesinformation surrounding the campaign has been set up by Canonical,and it helps us better understand who it is that the Ubuntu Edgemanaged to sway and how. At $695 and above for a unit, it's not atall too surprising to see that the project has mainly gotten supportfrom developed countries, with the USA leading the chart, followed bythe UK, Germany, Canada and Australia. The rest on the top 10 listinclude the Netherlands, Sweden, France, Switzerland and Norway, orsaid otherwise – generally wealthy nations. Overall, some 14,500Ubuntu Edge units have been paid for, which means a whole lot ofpeople are in for a disappointment.
source: Indiegogo, Ubuntu-Edge
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