Telegram's new update helps you organize your chats better

The messaging app Telegram was updated to add a plethora of handy features for both big channel owners and users looking to organize their chats better.
With the new update, users can now organize their chats into Chat Folders, which is handy for decluttering your experience if you participate in a lot of chats. As reported by Android Central, the app will automatically enable this feature for users with a large number of chats. Custom folders can also now be created with individual, flexible settings. An unlimited number of chats can be pinned in each one.
Channels with over 1,000 subscribers can finally access helpful channel statistics, showing which posts are doing best, and other engagement-related information, similar to what the YouTube Studio app offers YouTubers.
With the new update, users can now organize their chats into Chat Folders, which is handy for decluttering your experience if you participate in a lot of chats. As reported by Android Central, the app will automatically enable this feature for users with a large number of chats. Custom folders can also now be created with individual, flexible settings. An unlimited number of chats can be pinned in each one.
Updated are also some animations within the app, such as during recordings. A number of new emojis are also now animated, including a coronavirus emoji.
Telegram remains the world's 6th most popular messaging platform with about 200 million monthly users, according to Statista. When compared to the top two - WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, it's already the richest in features and is considered to be among the most secure encrypted messaging apps.
The new update was rolled out to iOS and Android, with minor differences, such as the ability to swipe a folder in order to archive it only being available to iOS users.
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