Telegram update adds location-based chats and much more

What not as popular in the U.S. as it is overseas, the Telegram messaging app offers end-to-end encryption and no limits on the number of people you can chat with or broadcast to at one time. It's no wonder that protesters of all types outside of the states love to use Telegram. And today, the company announced some changes that will be found in version 5.8 of the messaging app.
You'll notice that all new chats have a new button on the top of the screen that says "Add to Contacts." This feature will allow you to quickly add to your Telegram contacts list a person who has sent you a message on the platform even without knowing their phone number. Another option also available at your fingertips will let you block someone who has sent you a message. And let's say you're at a party and want to add someone who you've just met to your contacts list. Going to Contacts > Add People Nearby will allow you to exchange information with another Telegram user as long as they are standing right next to you (and have the same feature open on their phone).

Version 5.8 of Telegram allows users to quickly add someone to their contacts
The People Nearby section allows you to find location-based group chats and even create one. As Telegram notes, "This update opens up a new world of location-based group chats for anything from conferences, to festivals, to stadiums, to campuses, to chatting with people hanging out in the same cafe." The latest version of the app lets you transfer ownership of a group or channel to another Telegram user and toggle on or off message previews for specific chats using the Notable Exceptions feature.
Those using Telegram on an iOS device can now open the Appearance page to see what a new theme will look like before they apply them. After installing version 5.8, iOS users can choose which icon they want on the home page from four different options. And Telegram users with the iPhone or iPad can arrange to open chats hands-free using Siri shortcuts.

Search for and create a local group nearby
The new update just hit the Telegram app on our Pixel, so keep your eyes peeled for version 5.8 rolling out now. Telegram can be found in the App Store for iOS or the Google Play Store for Android.

Telegram users with an iOS device can see what a theme will look like before a change is made
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