The winner of T-Mobile's new sweepstakes will meet a trio of famous musicians

The end of the weekend means only one thing; the next T-Mobile Tuesdays rewards will soon be here. And this week, T-Mobile has a new sweepstakes with a grand prize that features a trip for two to Las Vegas to meet the Jonas Brothers and see them in concert. Starting at 5 am EDT this Tuesday, August 6th, and ending almost 24 hours later, T-Mobile subscribers can use the T-Mobile Tuesdays app to submit an entry. And those who are not T-Mobile subscribers can go to to enter.
One grand prize winner will receive a three-day, two-night trip to Las Vegas during October 18 - 20, 2019 for the winner and one guest. The pair will attend a meet and greet with the Jonas Brothers and will attend their concert on October 18th at the MGM Grand Garden Arena. The winner also receives $500 spending (or gambling) money and a $1,499 check for taxes, meals or whatever the winner wants to spend it on. The total value of the prize is $4,998.90.
Meanwhile, this Tuesday T-Mobile will have the usual discounts and freebies to give away to subscribers. These can all be claimed through the T-Mobile Tuesday app. This week's list includes:
- $25 to use at the Overwatch League Shop.
- Free 8 x 10 collage print from Walgreen's.
- 25% off one item at Tuesday Morning.
- One free item from Taco Bell; choices include Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Taco, a Grilled Breakfast Burrito, and a Mountain Dew Baja Blast Freeze drink.
- Ten cents a gallon off gas purchased from Shell.
- Reserved tickets and exclusive deals for the Jonas Brothers tour and others from Live Nation.
- Each week through September 9th, $25 all-in tickets from Live Nation.
Things that are NOT allowed: