T-Mobile gets rid of overage fees, throws the glove at competitors to follow

T-Mobile made its third Un-carrier movefor April, and this time, it's up to you to help CEO John Legeredeliver the final punch after he landed his Operation Tablet Freedomright hook and Simple Starter left hook on his adversaries... inaddition to offering the Samsung Galaxy S5 for $0 down. Ready? Here we go! Startingin May for bills arriving in June, the fourth major US carrier iseliminating overage fees for all of its subscribers. He's also petitioning "those other guys", as he affectionately refers to competitors AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint, to do the same.
"The oldcarriers’ entry-level plans lure you in with a low monthly cost fora fixed amount of domestic minutes, texts or data. Once you go overthose limits – even by a little – you’re hit with bill shock."- preaches Legere from his personal blog, while the official pressrelease backs him with some interesting revelations. Apparently, morethan 20 million Americans were hit with punitive overage charges in2013, and these penalties from the three largest U.S. carriers takemore than $1 billion out of consumers’ pockets every year.
"Charging overage fees is agreedy, predatory practice that needs to go." - proclaims the CEO, noting that “the worst thing about these overage feesis that they’re often inflicted on those who can least affordthem." "I personally won’t be satisfied until weobliterate this shameful practice from the entire wireless industry,”- states Legere, before revealing the move's second movement. "TodayI started a petition, laying down a challenge to AT&T, Verizonand Sprint to do the same for their customers – because it’s theright thing to do." If you want to take part, the petitionis availablehere.
The CEO ends his announcement with hiscolorful, informal rhetoric that you'd never expect to hearfrom a billion dolar executive: "Imagine the smile on myface as I watch millions upon millions of Americans flipping the birdto the insanity and pain of the past and joining this consumerrevolution – while I sit back and watch the competition flounder."What a boss! Are you signing up for T-Mobile's petition?
source: JohnLegere, T-Mobile
More than 20 million Americans were hit with punitive overage charges in 2013. And these penalties from the three largest U.S. carriers take more than an incredible $1 billion out of consumers’ pockets every year.
“Today I’m laying down a challenge to AT&T, Verizon and Sprint to join T-Mobile in ending these outrageous overage penalties for all consumers – because it’s the right thing to do,” said John Legere, president and CEO of T-Mobile. “Overage fees are flat out wrong. Agree with me? Join me in putting this challenge to all the major national carriers by signing my petition on Change.org.Right here. Take one minute to be a part of this consumer movement.”
Last year, T-Mobile banished annual service contracts and began phasing out overage charges with the launch of Simple Choice. T-Mobile’s stance against annual service contracts is now well known by consumers, and today it's taking on the even more unpopular and unjustified practice of slamming consumers with surprise bills in the form of overages charges.
“Charging overage fees is a greedy, predatory practice that needs to go,” continued Legere. “Starting
in May for bills arriving in June – regardless of whether you’re on Simple Choice, Simple Starter or an older plan, we’re abolishing overages for good. Period.”
Traditional carriers’entry-level plans lure customers in with a low monthly fee for a fixed amount of domestic minutes, texts or data. Once consumers go over those limits – even by a little – they’re hit with much higher rates, often dramatically higher. These plans are purpose-built to drive customers over that invisible line into massive overage charges. The result has been a culture of fear, worry and surprise every time the wireless bill arrives. For example, an individual on AT&Ts entry-level plan, advertised at $45 per month, will pay $125 if he uses just the average amount of data for a U.S. smartphone user (1.5 GB per person).
“The worst thing about these overage fees is that they’re often inflicted on those who can least afford them,” added Legere. “As an advocate for consumers, we’re putting a stop to that. I personally won’t be satisfied until we obliterate this shameful practice from the entire wireless industry.”
To give a voice to U.S. wireless consumers, Legere has started an online petition atChange.org/AbolishOverages calling on AT&T, Verizon and Sprint to end overages. You are invited to sign the petition and add your voice to the growing movement to rid the wireless industry of domestic overages once and for all.
For more information, visit theT-Mobile Newsroom, download T-Mobile b-roll or readJohn Legere’s blog about today’s announcement.
Overage estimates from third party bill screening report surveying over 20,000 wireless customers multiplied by major U.S. carriers’ reported postpaid subscribers. No overages for U.S. domestic calls, texts, and data usage only. Visit a T-Mobile store for details. As always, we encourage customers to review their plans and features, and talk with our retail associates to make sure their current wireless service gives them everything they need.
About T-Mobile US, Inc.
As America's Un-carrier, T-Mobile US, Inc. (NYSE: "TMUS") is redefining the way consumers and businesses buy wireless services through leading product and service innovation. The company's advanced nationwide 4G and 4G LTE network delivers outstanding wireless experiences for customers who are unwilling to compromise on quality and value. Based in Bellevue, Wash., T-Mobile US provides services through its subsidiaries and operates its flagship brands, T-Mobile and MetroPCS. It currently serves approximately 46.7 million wireless subscribers and provides products and services through approximately 70,000 points of distribution, including approximately 8,000 T-Mobile and MetroPCS branded locations and 62,000 third-party locations, as well as distribution through our websites. For more information, please visit http://www.t-mobile.com.
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