T-Mobile disputes Verizon's spectrum deal with cable providers

T-Mobile is asking the Federal Communications Commission to stop Verizon from closing a deal over spectrum with cable providers united in SpectrumCo. This union includes Comcast, Time Warner and Bright House with the majority stake belonging to Comcast.
T-Mobile, the nation’s fourth largest carrier, says the deal would give Big Red "excessive concentration" of wireless spectrum. Under the deal, Verizon is getting AWS bands for its LTE rollout, an asset of huge value as spectrum seems to be the new gold for wireless operators stateside.
There’s some logic behind T-Mobile’s demands to the FCC, but ironically they come after TMo was going to get acquired by AT&T, which could have had similar ramifications for spectrum and other carriers. Sprint objected citing anti-monopoly concerns and the FCC, and Department of Justice listened. Is the same going to happen with Verizon’s plotted AWS purchase? Let us know your opinion below.
source: PhoneScoop via GreenVille
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