T-Mobile CEO Legere reveals his predictions for the coming year; how did he fare in 2015?

Last year around this time, T-Mobile CEO John Legere made his predictions for 2015. One call that he got right was his forecast that T-Mobile would leap frog Sprint to become the nation's third largest carrier. He also correctly forecast that T-Mobile's network would cover 300 million Americans by the end of 2015, and that AT&T would offer a "weak" version of Data Stash.
Sure enough, AT&T announced its Rollover Data feature during the first week of 2015. While T-Mobile's Data Stash allows unused data each month to be available over a rolling 12-month period, AT&T's version forces its customers to use left-over data the following month, or it expires. He also expected Sprint to toss out numerous promotions to see which one would stick. We'd count this as a correct call.
Legere expects 24 more video streamers to join Binge On over the year, pointing out that Music Freedom now supports 40 streaming sites. That is up from the seven that were available when the feature launched. His Magic 8-ball also tells him that Verizon will start to get concerned about T-Mobile since the two networks are now going head-to-head in most markets. He predicts that more businesses will turn to his network this coming year, and that we will see more rumors about T-Mobile being acquired. Half of these rumors, he says, will include Dish as the company making the acquisition.
The CEO also made some forecasts for the entire industry and sees mobile payment services becoming more widely used next year; he also expects that Periscope and other apps offering live video feeds will get bigger. And if you've been following John's career, you know that he is a big fan of Batman, so he expects to see the Caped Crusader trounce Superman in the upcoming movie.
Set your calendar for a year from today, so we can look back and see how these predictions panned out in 2016.
source: T-Mobile
So what does John Legere see for 2016? First of all, he expects T-Mobile to get rid of more pain points for consumers in the upcoming year. He also expects his company to emerge from the FCC's auction of 600MHz spectrum as a big winner. When T-Mobile purchased some low frequency spectrum from Verizon, it was used for the carrier's Extended Range LTE. Big Red's garbage became gold for T-Mobile customers as the new service penetrates buildings better, and travels farther. This ties into T-Mobile's LTE coverage, which Legere says will keep growing in 2016 after doubling in 2014-2015.
Legere expects 24 more video streamers to join Binge On over the year, pointing out that Music Freedom now supports 40 streaming sites. That is up from the seven that were available when the feature launched. His Magic 8-ball also tells him that Verizon will start to get concerned about T-Mobile since the two networks are now going head-to-head in most markets. He predicts that more businesses will turn to his network this coming year, and that we will see more rumors about T-Mobile being acquired. Half of these rumors, he says, will include Dish as the company making the acquisition.
Set your calendar for a year from today, so we can look back and see how these predictions panned out in 2016.
source: T-Mobile
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