Switching between Sense and stock Android on the HTC One made easy

The HTC One is a great smartphone and its Google Play edition is definitely not any less cooler. But if you've read our comparison between the two, then you should be aware of that already. The problem with both, however, is that neither of these smartphones can switch to the other's interface, or at least not out of the box. In other words, an HTC One bought from any given carrier ships only with Sense UI, while the Google Play model runs solely Android in its stock form.
MoDaCo.SWITCH aims to put an end to this. It is a brilliant piece of software allowing one to switch back and forth between Sense and the pure Android user interface. There is no need to boot into recovery or to flash ROMs over and over again. Best of all, most information is shared between ROMs so the user has access to the same data no matter which UI is on. That includes the applications installed on the device and their data as well.
But before you head over to the project's page, there are a few things you should know. MoDaCo.SWITCH is still in beta so it might not work perfectly on your HTC One. Moreover, MMS data and call logs can't yet be shared between the two UIs. Those of you who want to give it a shot anyway are free to do so.
And by the way, MoDaCo.SWITCH may soon come to the Samsung Galaxy S4 as well, as long as the project raises enough funding. Financial support for the developers is accepted via IndieGoGo.

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