Surrender your cell phone, get discounted meal

Many of us bring our smartphones everywhere, including when we go out to eat. There is important business to be done with our connected devices at the dining table, like checking in through FourSquare, playing a quick game of Angry Birds while waiting for our food, taking pictures of our food to share on Facebook, and finally rating the restaurant on Yelp or Poynt.
Nonetheless, Mark Gold, owner and chef of Eva Restaurant in West Hollywood, California, is offering a 5% discount to any patron who surrenders his or her cell phone before dining. One might think that this is an effort to prevent guests from disturbing other guests, but Gold’s idea is simpler than that, “…we want people to connect again.” Connecting with people, in real life, at the dinner table? Not such a bad idea.
Gold says about half of his customers have taken advantage of the phone discount so far.
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