Stop texting while driving automatically on Android and BlackBerry phones with ZoomSafer

We recently showed you a video put together by AT&T in the hopes of scaring off those who text and drive. For some, that will be enough of a scare tactic that it will keep hands on the wheel instead of on the handset. The others will continue to think, "That won't/can't happen to me." For those drivers, no matter how many laws are passed around the world against this action, the temptation to type and drive is sometimes overwhelming regardless what the punishment is.
Just introduced Tuesday at the CES was ZoomSafer. This application might be the perfect solution to the problem of texting while driving because it automatically disables the SMS and email functions of a cellphone while a vehicle is is motion. With ZoomSafer on a phone, the app uses the car's telematics, Bluetooth system or the phone's GPS to see if there is motion. If ZoomSafer detects that the vehicke is on the move, the software disables emailing and texting and handles inbound and outbound communications based on previous choices you made. For example, you can choose whether or not to make or receive hands-free phone calls. You can also choose an auto-reply function, which sends a message to those texting you that you are on the road and are unable to answer. Once ZoomSafer detects that the vehicle has stopped, the phone returns to normal functionality.
source: ZoomSafer via MobileBurn
The product is available now for all North American BlackBerry devices running BlackBerry OS 4.2.1 or higher. The cost is $25 a year or $2.99 a month. A 7 day free trial is available. Right now, a Beta version is available for testing on the Android platform. Simply click on this link. This might be the most important software that you install on your family's phone-ever.
source: ZoomSafer via MobileBurn
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