Star Wars: Assault Team turn-based game launches on Android, iOS, and Windows (Phone) 8 this spring

Disney announced a new Star Wars game,called Star Wars: Assault Team. A post on the company's blogdescribes the title as a turn-based combat game designed for mobiledevices. It features a strategic element, along with card battles.While lightsaber combat probably isn't that exciting when fought with“cards” that feature static images and character stats, the game,or part of it, is rendered in 3D. And you can pull Force-fueledpunches on stormtroopers, which is a delight in every Star Wars game.
Fans of the interstellar franchise willbe also pleased by the inclusion of classic Star Wars characters, andmissions set throughout locations from the original trilogy.
Star Wars: Assault Team will bereleased globally "this spring". It will land on Android,iOS, and Windows 8 devices - including Windows Phone 8. Before itsglobal rollout begins, the game will be available in “limited earlyaccess” in select markets. This is all there is to know about thetitle so far.
source: Disneyvia WMPowerUser
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