Star Wars: Assault Team arrives on Android, iOS, and Windows Phone

Like Imperial clockwork, Star Wars: Assault Team has landed on Android, iOS, and Windows Phone as scheduled. The game lets players assemble a Star Wars dream-team, comprised of Luke, Han Solo, Boba Fett, Chewbaka, Leya... we can go on like this for too long, so let's cut to the lightsaber fights, shall we.
Bear in mind, though, that Assault Team is not a visceral first or third-person shooter, but a card-game. Still, it's an especially flashy, action-driven one. Instead of cards, you will deal actual lightsaber blows, Force tricks, and laser wounds to Imperial troops and interstellar fiends. Tusken Raiders? Oh, yeah! They tortured and killed momma Anakin, after all, so we're glad to punish them at every occasion.
In addition, Assault Team featurescharacter leveling, PvP combat, and possibly Darth Vader. Hopefullyhis presence isn't limited to the trailer. Regardless, Assault Teamis definitely a different Star Wars experience that looks like it'sworth a try. The game is free, but it expects you to take out yourwallet for in-app purchases. We thought the Empire would accept onlyImperialCredits, but it looks like dollars will do just fine. After all,there are Death Stars to be built, and these comeat cost.
And with this, our barely-in-control bout of Star Warsgeekery ends. But feel free to carry on by downloading the game fromthe link below.
Download Star Wars: Assault Team:Android| iOS| WindowsPhone
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