Sprint finally joins the club in free calls to Haiti

Almost a month after a deadly earthquake struck Haiti, Sprint has finally joined in providing free phone calls to the country. Although it may seem a bit late for the gesture, it's welcomed due to the fact that they are planning on crediting long distance fees on calls from the US to Haiti – it'll be retroactive from January 12 to February 28. In addition, they've donated 2,000 mobile phones to benefit wireless users in Haiti. Ralph Reid, vice president of corporate social responsibility for Sprint, said “As wireless communication to and from Haiti continues to play a critical role in the relief and recovery efforts, Sprint will continue extending needed resources to those on the ground in Haiti and the coordination efforts back in the US. We hope these new offerings and our previous contributions prove beneficial to the victims, Haiti's wireless providers and the dedicated aid workers." Not stopping just there, the Sprint Foundation has donated $50,000 and is matching Sprint employee contributions made in January to the American Red Cross International Response Fund. Despite the late move in offering free phone calls to Haiti, they've been cognizant since the aftermath and doing their part in aiding their customers – so now they won't have to worry about expensive long distance charges.
source: Sprint
source: Sprint
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