Spotlight: CF.lumen by Chainfire adapts the colors on your Android device to the sun's position

Esteemed developer Chainfire has an app for everything technical on Android, so CFLumen fits his collection nice and good. It's an answer to the likes of F.lux and Twilight, apps that change the color temperature of your device's display so it doesn't strain your eyes with unnaturally bright blue hues. CFLumen adapts the colors on your device either according to the sun's position over your place of living, or guided by your own custom configuration.
When the sun is down, your display takes on a warmer color tint, which seems quite unnatural at first - as if your graphics driver blew itself up! But you will get used to the tint very quickly, and you won't be annoyed by it. During sleeping hours, CF.lumen will give the colors a red hue, which strains the eyes the least and lets you use your smartphone in complete darkness.
CF.lumen also works in tandem with your device's built-in light sensor, which it uses to automatically adjust the color according to your present lighting conditions - that's in addition to the sun's position, which isn't always the best determinator for color temperature.
CF.lumen also has an option for color blindness enhancement, complete with settings for protanopia/anomaly, deuteranopia/anomaly and tritanopia/anomaly. These filters are developed by Google, but Chainfire included them in the app.
Chainfire's screen-comforting app is free, but has an optional paid Pro version, which enables the option to start at device boot and Tasker integration. If you're worrying about performance, the developer says there shouldn't be anything beyond slightly noticeable performance impacts, but it depends on the device being used. CF.lumen doesn't require root, but it runs only on Android 4.4 KitKat and newer versions. As a whole, this is another quality Chainfire production, so treat yourself to it if you wish.
CF.lumen also works in tandem with your device's built-in light sensor, which it uses to automatically adjust the color according to your present lighting conditions - that's in addition to the sun's position, which isn't always the best determinator for color temperature.
The app provides several color filters to take the eye-straining edge off your display - that's red, green, blue, amber, and salmon. These filters don't merely limit the screen to the respective colors - they convert the image to grayscale first, then that image is shown in levels of the selected color. This way, details that would otherwise be lost are still preserved. CF.lumen also includes grayscale, inverted colors, temperature adjustment, and custom RGB filters - that's right, pick up your favorite color and make it a screen filter.
CF.lumen also has an option for color blindness enhancement, complete with settings for protanopia/anomaly, deuteranopia/anomaly and tritanopia/anomaly. These filters are developed by Google, but Chainfire included them in the app.
Chainfire's screen-comforting app is free, but has an optional paid Pro version, which enables the option to start at device boot and Tasker integration. If you're worrying about performance, the developer says there shouldn't be anything beyond slightly noticeable performance impacts, but it depends on the device being used. CF.lumen doesn't require root, but it runs only on Android 4.4 KitKat and newer versions. As a whole, this is another quality Chainfire production, so treat yourself to it if you wish.
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