Spoiler alert: Got the hots for the Sony Honami? Have a look at this extensive UI showdown

'Meh' is the word on the mind of aselect number of our readers for whom the launch of smartphones thelike of the LGG2 or the MotorolaMoto X has failed to tickle their particular fancy. Of course,upon seeing the actual real deal, this is probably less the casethan previously, at least on the count of the LG G2.
Sony and itsupcoming Honami smartphone is where it's at for those people, andwe certainly get it. If we go on a limb and trust the rumors, theSony Honami will, similarly, come with some bleeding edge internals,and to tell you the truth: the software is no laughing matter,either. How do we know? Well, some of you may remember that not toolong ago, asystem dump of the Sony Honami's software made it possible for adeveloper to port the ROM for the Sony Xperia Z. The more dedicatedamong you may have even given it a shot.
Eventhough the actual ROM thread over at XDA-Developersis mightily informative (you'll know what we mean if you have meddledwith custom ROMs before), the video below helps usbetter visualize what is coming up with the Sony Honami. We have tosay, we're kind of impressed with Sony's eloquent and ratherminimalistic tweaking of the stock experience. At this point it'sprobably safe to say that someOEMs are starting to see the benefit of a more stock Android-likeexperience, and we consider this good news.
Without anyfurther ado, check the video and source link below should you find yourinterest ignited.

source: XDA Developers
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