Snap! Motorola lays out Apple once again with full page shot at the iPhone

The latest full page ad was just printed in the WSJ and shows the DROID 2. On the 3.7 inch display is the National Geographic (there is a reason for Motorola to use this site, read on for the details) and the entire web page is rendered perfectly, even the Flash display that takes up much of the site. The copy on the top of the ad reads, "Flash Websites? There's A Phone For That."
Besides mocking Apple's "There's an app for that" commercials, the National Geographic site had been used by Steve Jobs as a site he visited to show off the browser during the iPhone 3G introduction. Apple covered up the iPhone's inability to load Flash by covering up part of the site with a picture that was a placeholder. The picture helped start a rumor that the iPhone 3G was Flash enabled, but of course, it was simply Cupertino playing around with the web page. The picture of the National Geographic site in Motorola's ad shows the same Flash content you would see on your desktop computer.
Well Apple, Motorola leads 3-nill. Working on a response?
Motorola DROID 2 Specifications | Review
Apple iPhone 4 Specifications | Review
source: @benforta via MobileCrunch
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