This smartwatch is a must-own for serious musicians

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Whether or not you're a guitar hero like Eddie Van Halen, tickle the ivories like Liberace, play the bass like Paul McCartney, or bang the drums like Guy Patterson, you might be interested in an new smartwatch for musicians spotted today at CES by CNET. The Soundbrenner Core features a metronome that not only uses a pulsating light to mark the beat, it also vibrates while on the wrist of a musician.

The timepiece also features a tuner, a must for guitarists, bassists or violinists. To tune these instruments, the Core twists out of its base and attaches via magnet to a guitar peg, or the included attachment. According to Soundbrenner, the tuner will provide "razor sharp precision" and is better than unreliable apps. And no musician wants to end up hard of hearing. Just ask Pete Townsend. So a built in decibel meter on the Core will alert users when the sound needs to be turned down.

Since the Soundbrenner Core is also a smartwatch, you can receive notifications from your handset. The device is resistant to splashes with an IP66 rating, and the battery will last three days between charges. There is a one year warranty.

If you pre-order now on Indiegogo, you can save $50 on the  timepiece, taking the price down to $179 for a 21% discount. A steel version of the Soundbrenner Core is priced at $249, an $80 or 24% discount off the usual $329 price. Both models are expected to ship in March.

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