Skype gets improved calls and voicemail in newest update

One other improvement announced by Skype is related to calls. When the person who initiates a call hangs up, now the call will continue no matter who leaves or joins the conversations, so the discussion won't get interrupted if someone needs a pause for dinner or whatever.

As the title says, the update introduces some improvements to Skype's voicemail as well. The developers have decided to make the way users leave messages more appealing considering that use of traditional voicemail is nosediving.
Basically, you can now leave video messages instead of voicemail, but the latter will still be an option for those who prefer the old ways.
There's some bad news too though, as Skype announced that it will stop support for custom voicemail greetings, email notification and SM transcription. These features will no longer be available in the new version of Skype.
source: Skype
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