Skyfire puts BlackBerry Alpha on hiatus after leak

Leaked links to one of the alpha builds for Skyfire for BlackBerry has resulted in the software firm pulling the plug on the servers for the next couple of weeks. Skyfire has said that it had wanted a small number of 'Berry users testing the alpha version of the Skyfire browser, "Today ouralpha application was leaked. We are temporarily halting our Alphaprogram. As you know, we were working with a small group of you underNDA and our intent was not to open the program beyond that small numberright now. We appreciate your feedback on Alpha3, and in the next few weekswe’ll be sending you a new build to test. In the meantime, the serverswill be down and you will not be able to use the application." Most likely, Skyfire will use the downtime to implement some type of security system. Imagine, consequences for those downloading leaked software. Will the madness ever end?
source: BGR
source: BGR
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