Find out which of your contacts is more likely to answer your Google Duo video call

Find out which of your contacts is more likely to answer your Google Duo video call
Google continues to add on to its Duo video chat app. This year it added a low-light mode that allows a chat to take place under less than optimal lighting conditions. Earlier this month, seven Snapchat style filters and six effects were added to Duo video messages. And Dark theme became an option for Duo users a bit over a week ago. Now, as Google is wont to do, it has pushed out a trio of minor changes to improve the user experience of the Duo app.

According to Android Police, one of the changes will let you know whether people on your Duo contacts list are avid users of the app. When scrolling through this list, you'll see the words "on Duo often" next to those contacts who, well, use Duo often. This will help you figure out which of your Duo contacts is more apt to answer your video call or respond to a video message.

The second change can be found on the Contact Screen where you'll see a new box near the bottom of the display that says "Calling as..." with your phone number listed. This is supposed to remind you that those you are engaging in a video chat with or sending a video message to can see your phone number. And if you have a dual SIM device, it will also show you which of your two numbers is involved in your Duo call or message.

The third change won't necessarily improve the user experience of the Duo app except to make you feel more secure. This is an addition to the app's menu that adds a link to a new support page called Privacy for calls. This page details how Duo's end-to-end encryption keeps your video and audio conversations private. The page notes that "Only people in a call can know what’s said or shown. Google can’t see, hear, or save your call’s audio and video."

The new features are found on version 64 of the Duo app, but it appears that a server-side update is required. Meanwhile, if you don't have Duo it can be found in the Google Play Store for Android users and in the App Store for iOS users.

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