Schiller's testimony is practically a copy from previous trials

Apple's Senior VP of Worldwide Marketing, Phil Schiller, was the first witness on the stand Tuesday as the second Apple v. Samsung patent trial kicked off. And just as he did in previous trials, including last year's damages retrial, and 2012's first patent trial, Schiller used various graphs and articles to show off the success of the Apple iPhone.
According to those who managed to grab a seat inside the courtroom, Schiller explained how Samsung's copying prevents the public from seeing how innovative Apple is. Schiller was asked what his first impression was of the Samsung Galaxy S, and the Apple executive replied, "It looked so much like an attempt to copy the iPhone." Schiller said that the alleged copying of the iPhone by Samsung led to confusion on the part of the public. "It has caused people to question some of the innovations we created," Schiller said. "I think it has confused people as to which products are creating this experience." During the first trial back in August 2012, Schiller told the court that he was "shocked" at the appearance of the Samsung Galaxy S and was afraid that Samsung would copy Apple's entire product line.
Court was adjourned for the day before Samsung's cross-examination of Schiller was completed, and that is where things will pick up from when the trial resumes at 9am PDT on Wednesday. Apple is seeking $2 billion from its Korean rival, claiming that Samsung infringed on five Apple patents. Samsung claims that these patents were for minor changes, and never should have been issued by the USPTO.
source: @Swiftstories, AppleInsider
Samsung attorney Bill Price might have scored some points with the jury, and softened the blow of Schiller's testimony, by getting Apple's marketing whiz to admit that he was not briefed on the patents that Apple claims Samsung has infringed on. Price was hoping that the jury would wonder how Schiller could know that Samsung copied Apple, without knowing exactly which patents Samsung allegedly infringed on.
Court was adjourned for the day before Samsung's cross-examination of Schiller was completed, and that is where things will pick up from when the trial resumes at 9am PDT on Wednesday. Apple is seeking $2 billion from its Korean rival, claiming that Samsung infringed on five Apple patents. Samsung claims that these patents were for minor changes, and never should have been issued by the USPTO.
source: @Swiftstories, AppleInsider
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