Samsung's 10.5-inch AMOLED tablet may come as early as next month, report says

If a new report from South KoreanETNews is to be believed, Samsung may be close to releasing a new10.5-inch tablet as early as January next year.
Unlike the plethora of currentlyavailable tablets from the electronics giant, the new slate isexpected to make a return to AMOLED panels after a long hiatus that started with the release of the 2011 Galaxy Tab 7.7. The report actually rung quitea few bells, as we'vebeen hot on the heels of as many as fourSamsung tablets, all ofwhich are supposedly to be unleashed on the market in the upcomingyear. These will range from 7'' all the way up to awhopping 13.3''convertible, and all but the smallest one areexpected to ship packing the typical for Samsung AMOLED screens.Unfortunately, if this turns out to be true, it actually rules outthe possibility for one of those sweet, super-crisp4K (3840x2160) panels, courtesy of Japan Display.
WhetherSamsung's new crop of tablets turn out to match the above descriptionor not is actually of no difference, as it's more than likely thatthe company will continue its surge in the space, especially now thattablets are truly starting to take over.
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