Samsung will donate $3 million to charities after 3 million re-tweets

Samsung gets another Oscars-relatedmention today. A representative of the Korean giant explained thatEllen DeGeneres' infamous star-ridden selfie was not staged, but ithappened "organically" and was "a great surprise foreveryone" that "nobody expected".
Ellen's epic selfie racked up three millionre-tweets and became the most re-twitted item in the history ofeverything. Thus, Samsung will commemorate the historical achievementin social media buzz by donating $3 million intotal to two charities chosen by the actress - “St Jude's” andthe “Humane Society”. This is approximately 0.043% of Samsung'sQ4 2013 operating revenue. The sum might be pennies for Samsung, butis still a respectable donation.
Samsung spent $20 million foradvertising time during the show's ABC broadcast. The promotion hadthe Galaxy Note 3 "integrated" into the telecast. AlthoughDeGeneres is an iPhone user and had to be briefed by Samsungrepresentatives on how to "switch to Android" for theceremony's duration, Samsung's "organic selfie" claim is probablylegit.
And if it isn't... who cares?Regardless of who first had the idea – Ellen, or Sammy's marketing arm,the event goes to show the brilliance of timing. A simple act,such as taking a selfie, went on to strike gold by simply being doneat the right moment.
source: TechCrunch
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