Samsung smartphones' hidden settings now tweakable through a new app

If you're looking to squeeze everylast bit of functionality out of your Samsung smartphone, or you'resimply curious to see exactly how deep Android customization goes,then the so-called Note 2 Hidden Settings app isfor you. The naming of the app is unfortunate, for though it works ona limited range of devices (e.g. you have to be rooted and Sprintphones are not supported) it nevertheless works on a number ofSamsung devices, including the Galaxy S4 and the original Note I, andthat's with it being barely out of the door.
Someof the functionality that the app offers includes:
Camera shutter sound on and off
Infinite scrolling throughout the launcher and the app/widget drawer
A built-in feature will show you which of the available options have been tweaked by an individual app that you have on your phone
Search contacts with the keypad
The regulars among you probablyremember that not too long ago, the folks over at Samsung themselvesbrought up aplethora of hidden features that aren't intuitively obvious.Unlike those, however, these are much more specific, and support forthem is usually tweaked at the system level, which means gettingdirty even if you're an experienced user. It's therefore always niceto see developers like this pushing and trying to blur the linebetweenwhat is available to the normal everyday user and to those who don't shyaway from tweaking under the hood.
source: Play Store via Android Police
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