Samsung integrates LinkedIn with Bixby assistant to help your career

Professional networking app LinkedIn is now part of a tighter integration with Samsung's Bixby personal assistant on the Samsung Galaxy S8 and Samsung Galaxy S8+. Swiping to the right while using Bixby will allow users of Samsung's latest flagship phones to access their current LinkedIn calendar, check in on what meetings await them during the day ahead, and gain access to some of the top news of the day.
Before a scheduled meeting, LinkedIn will send you notifications providing information about the people you have appointments set up with for the day. This includes connections to LinkedIn profiles to help you gain a little perspective and edge before your meeting. After the encounter ends, you can take notes about it while your mind is fresh by using the "LinkedIn: People You Met" tab. The before and after appointment information that you provide for your notes could be the difference between closing a big deal and watching it flounder.
So if you've been wondering just what Bixby can do for you right now that Google, Siri, Cortana, Alexa and others can't, working on advancing your career might be the most important task that you give the AI assistant for now..
source: LinkedIn
And to make sure that you are fully updated on the latest stories of the day and how they pertain to your job or career, the LinkedIn-Bixby partnership will allow you to view Trending Storylines. These are news stories curated for your interest using a combination of algorithms and editorial crew.
So if you've been wondering just what Bixby can do for you right now that Google, Siri, Cortana, Alexa and others can't, working on advancing your career might be the most important task that you give the AI assistant for now..
source: LinkedIn
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