Samsung OmniaPRO B7330 an improved version of the B7320?
Good news for all business users! Specifications and pictures of the Samsung OmniaPRO B7330 have been leaked on the Internet. It seems the device will be an improved version of the B7320 and Jack. Aside from looking pretty appealing, the handset will feature a larger 2.63-inch display with resolution of 320x320 pixels. Judging by the huge D-Pad and navigational buttons, the screen will probably not be touch sensitive. The most significant difference is it will be running Windows Mobile 6.5 and not the older, 6.1 OS version. All the other features include pretty much what´s considered standard for a business oriented device these days - HSDPA support, built-in GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, microSD and 3.2-megapixel camera.
We hope the guys at Samsung will do their job well and provide decent interface personalization pack. If this turns out to be the case indeed, the Samsung OmniaPRO B7330 may prove to be the most fierce rival of the BlackBerry Curve family. The rumor has it the device is rolling out mid October, but still do not have information about its pricing.
Samsung OmniaPRO B7330 Preliminary Specifications
via: UnwiredView
We hope the guys at Samsung will do their job well and provide decent interface personalization pack. If this turns out to be the case indeed, the Samsung OmniaPRO B7330 may prove to be the most fierce rival of the BlackBerry Curve family. The rumor has it the device is rolling out mid October, but still do not have information about its pricing.
Samsung OmniaPRO B7330 Preliminary Specifications
via: UnwiredView
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