Samsung Infuse 4G coming on AT&T with a huge 4.5-inch Super AMOLED Plus display, razor thin

The Samsung Infuse 4G was just announcedexclusively for AT&T. The Infuse 4G comes with a huge 4.5-inchSuper AMOLED Plus display and with razor thin body aiming to topAT&T's list of slim phones. The phone, which runs on AndroidFroyo, is announced as a Galaxy S phone.
You might have heard about SuperAMOLED, but the Samsung Infuse 4G is expected with Super AMOLEDPlus that has a 50 per cent higher sub-pixel count. Thetechnology promises enhanced contrast and outdoor legibility.

We feel that what used to be a standard3.5-inch screen size is slowly shifted to larger measures, but let usknow your thoughts on having a 4.5 inch screen. The dummy unitdisplayed at the expo has a matte back cover, but it is stillnot decided if that will be the material of choice for the finalunit. The Galaxy S on its part has glossy plastic on its back.
On the software side, be prepared tosee some TouchWiz customization on top of Android 2.2Froyo. Gingerbread is in the plans, but only for a future update. With so much novelty, the only thing we are left wondering is when is it coming and we hope to get an answer for that soon.
source: Samsung USA Newsroom
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