Samsung Galaxy S5 review Q&A: your questions answered

Last week was marked by the publishing of our super-detailed Galaxy S5 review, along with a plethora of in-depth comparisons against its biggest rivals. As usual, we also had our Q&A post where we wanted you to be able to ask whatever questions have been left unanswered by our review. So, it's now time for us to take a look at those question and see what we can do to help you out!
aravindsbabu asks: Can anyone tell me the SAR value of this device..??
You can find the SAR values of the Galaxy S5 in its 'full specs' page. They are as follows: Head: 0.63 W/kg; Body: 0.82 W/kg; Product specific use: 0.82 W/kg; Simultaneous transmission: 1.59 W/kg.
zeus963 asks: can it be unlocked via fingerprint scanner with "one" hand, i mean isnt it possible to use ur thumb and scroll horizontally over it, coz having to use 2 hands simply isnt the best option and that leaves scanner thing useless..?
It is possible to use the thumb of the same hand in order to unlock the GS5 with the fingerprint sensor, but it's very hard to get right. Sometimes, it may work, while other times - it will not. It's mostly designed to be used with central, straight swipes. You'll be having a lot of frustrating moments if you attempt to use it with just one hand.
Just.Saying asks: Alot of people say they like water resistant phones because they can talk in the shower etc. My question is, How well will the waterproofing work when exposed to HOT water and can the hot water cause other long term damage to the phone
The Galaxy S5 should be fine if submerged for a few minutes in hot water (though it depends on your definition of hot). However, we can never be sure about the long-term outcome if you systematically have your phone act like a submarine.
tahirk asks: I would love to know about the New Touchwiz, is it improved drastically (Can we still say it to be Gimmicky). Do we still have the lag as with Galaxy S4. Similarly, I would also love to know about the Camera. How does it competes with LG G2, Note 3 & Lumia 1020.
The latest version of TouchWiz is definitely less gimmicky than the previous one. Most options and smaller features are still there, but they are better organized and don't stand in the way of regular user experience. The new TouchWiz is also faster and runs more fluidly - there is still some accidental hiccup here and there, but once things get started, everything moves at a respectable pace. To see the GS5's camera in action and how it competes against its rivals, take a look at our newest camera comparison!
AhmadAlsayegh asks: does the battery explode if I hammer it?
Quite likely.
abhijithkumar.nit asks: What are the results of your custom battery test which were not mentioned in your review? Also, does the phone has any heating issue when playing games or any other demanding tasks?
The Samsung Galaxy S5 performed spectacularly in our battery life test, achieving a result of 8 hours and 20 minutes. That's better than almost every single ~5" smartphone out there. We've updated our Galaxy S5 review with more info on this! We haven't noticed any abnormal heating behavior when playing games or executing other demanding apps.
chunky1x asks: How accurate is the GS5's heart rate monitor? Does a third party apps like Runtastic and Instant Heart Rate(which uses the smartphone camera and LED flash) have the same results as gS5's dedicated heart rate monitor?
We've compared the GS5's heart rate monitor to a third-party pulse-measuring app, and have found out that the results are pretty similar. It looks like there isn't so much added value with the Galaxy S5's dedicated heart rate monitor.
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