Samsung Galaxy S III plus salvaged Palm Pre parts equals wireless charging hack

Wireless charging – one of the many cool things that the Samsung Galaxy S III can do. But not really, as even though support for the feature is present on the device, the accessory needed for it to work is not on the market yet. We are talking about the Galaxy S III wireless charging kit, which Samsung delayed until September for an undisclosed reason.
Yet a Samsung Galaxy S III owner, who apparently was not afraid to tinker with his pricey smartphone, hacked the device into charging wirelessly using parts salvaged from an old Palm Pre. Basically, he removed the loop of wire that was attached to the Pre's back cover and transplanted it onto the S III's back plate. Power was derived from a Palm Touchstone dock, just like the case was with that Nokia Lumia 800 wireless charging hack.
Although the hack seems fairly simple, we don't recommend attempting it, unless you really know what you are doing. Instead, waiting for the official wireless charging kit to launch is a much better idea. Nothing can stop you, however, from checking out how the hack was performed by watching the video below.
source: rgsearley via Reghardware

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