Samsung Galaxy Note 3 fingerprint sensor hinted from a list of leaked APKs

Prolific tipster @evleaks hastweeted a full list of the APK files that are allegedly containedwithin the software that is set to come running on the Samsung GalaxyNote 3. Battling on through the truly dizzying amount of apps thatcome pre-installed on Sammy's TouchWiz spin on Android, we comeacross a most interesting, albeit mystifying FingerprintService.apkthat once again opens the door on a world of possibilities. Keep inmind, however, that the latest leaks have been consistently suggesting that afingerprint scanner will fail to make a showing once the Galaxy Note3 is released. So while unlikely that we'll get to play with this, this could be a clear indication that the South Korean behemoth is gearingup for the next push.
Fingerprint sensors surely aren'tsomething breathtakingly new – some smartphones, like the MotorolaATRIX 4G, have had one as far back as 2011. Chief among thereasons for the quick discontinuation of the tech, however, hasmainly had to do with the poor longevity of the CMOS-based sensorsfound in most such devices. What's more, quality, long-lastingscanners have been cited as both expensive and bulky, a cost mostmanufacturer would rather forgo, especially since it doesn't feedenough value back.
This trend now seems to bereversing, as Apple is said to be rushing to market the nextgeneration of fingerprint scanners, relying on a sapphire glass coverto provide shelter from the many swipes these sensors will be forcedto live through.
So why the change of heart?Naturally, this is only a guess (a common one, at that), but it doesseem likely that it has a lot to do with the extremely hot topic ofsecurity, especially now that our smartphones are carrying moresensitive information than ever before. Moreover, with the bigplayers wanting a fat piece of the lucrative eCommerce market ofapps/books/movies sales, along with the push that promises to turnmobile payments into commonplace, it certainly makes a lot ofbusiness sense to that fingerprint scanners have entered the daily agenda.
source: @evleaks
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