Sailfish OS global distribution, Android install, and Angry Birds smart-cover coming after March update

Jolla announced that its mobileoperating system, Sailfish OS, has reached v1.0 and will be ready forglobal distribution soon. This means that, in the coming months,Jolla will follow up on its plans to introduce the OS as freedownloadable software for Android devices. Before this happens, though, theFinnish company will release a free Sailfish launcher. It will serveas an appetizer, of sorts, for the full Sailfish experience onAndroid devices. Last, but not least, Jolla announced newly-strickenpartnerships with F-Secure corp, Tieto Corporation, and fellow FinnsRovio.

Jolla sees a “huge volumeopportunity” in bringing over Android users. The company'schairman, Antti Saarnio, points out that nearly 100 million users inChina alone installed a new OS (or ROM) on their devices last year.As Sailfish OS is compatible with commonly available Android hardwareplatforms and apps, it also caters to users that seek a newexperience or to re-discover an older Android device.

source: Jolla
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