Rub your friends' nose in their unforgivable spelling errors with this Grammar Snob iMessage sticker pack

Every special moment can be spoiled if you use improper grammar! Yes or no?
If you're on the 'yes' side, you're probably already used to hearing how others call you out for being a grammar nazi, but - really - how can a grown-up person misspell 'your' to 'you're' and vice versa?! We know, it's maddening.
What you probably should not do when somebody sends you a misspelled text, though, is correct them on every single mistake. No, really, you shouldn't. Even when you have gotten this super awesome, red marker correction sticker packs that rubs your friends nose in it. You should not correct their whole text and respond with a smiley face.
But that's absolutely what you will do, right?
It's inevitable. So we won't stop you. In fact, this new $1 iMessage sticker pack will probably feel like a heaven-sent. You can get it right below.
Things that are NOT allowed: