Rise in overage charges gives T-Mobile customers a chance to leave without paying ETF

Oh yeah! You have found that crazy hot new smartphone that you must have or else you will die. You sit at your computer screen, catching every video, reading about every minute detail. But there is just one little problem. That hot new phone is only offered by Carrier X and you are only a few weeks into a new 2 year deal with T-Mobile. Well, luck is on your side. T-Mobile has raised the overage rates they are charging to customers who use more minutes than contracted for. According to The Consumerist, starting today, individuals with rate plans of $59.99 or less, and family plans costing $89.99 or less, will see their overage rate rise 5 cents to 45 cents per minute. All other plans will increase to 40 cents per minute. This is considered a materially adverse change of contract which means that the nation's fourth largest cellular carrier must let you out of your contract without incurring an ETF. This is not a matter of you having to sweet-talk a T-Mobile rep, it is a matter of law. But if the rep tries to tell you that you are wrong, simply check out the sourcelink and you will find the actual wording to your T-Mobile contract that should take that rep down a few pegs. It's a good thing for the carrier that until September 8th, if you want the Touch Pro2, it is the only game in town.
source: Consumerist via IntoMobile
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