Rise and shine: the best alarm clock apps for Android

If you think the default alarm clock that comes with your Android device is enough, you haven't yet seen what 3rd party apps have to offer in the eternal struggle that is getting out of your warm bed in the morning, especially after a night out bash.
From the cruel to the gentle, the Play Store is chock full of apps that help you shake off that sleepy attitude of yours towards the bright new day. Some are downright nasty, for the times you absolutely have to get up, regardless of the damage to your nervous system, and some gently lull you into doing it with soft nature sounds.
Then there are the others, that insert innovation in the art of waking up in the morning, making you solve simple math puzzles or draw something, in order to get your brain moving for the day, instead of drifting away into Dream land again "just for five more minutes".
We round up some of the best Android apps for waking up in the slideshow below for you. Just don't forget to add any 3rd party alarm app to the exclusion list of your task killer, if you use such apps, otherwise all sorts of problems may arise, like forceclosing and even the alarm not going off as scheduled.
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