RetailMeNot's free Coupons app updated with personalized alterts, geo-fence notifications, and more

RetailMeNot, the world's largestdigital coupon supplier, updated its free Coupons app for iPhone andAndroid. The updated version includes the following "significantconsumer-facing enhancements to the experience":
- Personalized mobile alerts that notifyusers of offers from their favorite stores within geo-fenced shoppingdestinations
- Smarter geo-fence notifications willonly be sent to consumers while they are in the vicinity of one of6,000 shopping locations (malls, shopping centers) for an extendedperiod of time
- Mall-specific pages will first listcoupons from users' favorite stores
Jag Bath, senior VP of product,commented:
"Simply put, we made the appbetter. Our users told us that they wanted our app's populargeo-fence notifications to evolve and show deals that reflected theirstore preferences, and we listened. Our goal with this release was tomake the app an enhanced utility for consumers who are actually inshopping mode, and to provide them a more personalized experiencewhen they sorted through offers in RetailMeNot's database."
If you are in “shopping mode”, feelfree to proceed to the download links below.
Download RetailMeNot Coupons: Android| iOS
source: RetailMeNot (press release)
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