Results: why do you watch drop tests?

Over the past couple of years, drop tests have evolved significantly. What was once a simple fall on concrete has now evolved to be an entertaining gladiator match between new phones and hard surfaces. You have blender tests, liquid nitrogen, sniper shot tests, and who knows what else. Obviously, no longer an evaluation of modern phone's sturdiness, these are mostly meant for entertainment value. And, we will be honest, we do see the appeal of watching $1,000's worth of technology burst into a million pieces, as it is shot with a sniper rifle.
But there are also those testers that have developed actual durability-evaluating tortures for new tech — doing elaborate, well-thought-out, and consistent tests over every new device. YouTuber JerryRigEverything comes to mind as the perfect example.
We thought we'd ask — which type of “durability tests” (or “will it survive” tests) do you find yourself watching more often? Here's where the answers landed!
We thought we'd ask — which type of “durability tests” (or “will it survive” tests) do you find yourself watching more often? Here's where the answers landed!
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