Results: do you use your phone's activity tracking app?

When smartphone manufacturers started including various activity- and health-tracking features in their flagships a few years ago, most were sceptical to what the end means are. Was it just another gimmick? Was it something that has the potential to become a useful feature? Well, fast forward to today, you'd see that most smartphones starting from the upper midrange have at least a step counter on board. The app stores are filled with various activity-recording solutions, and many manufacturers offer apps that can sync to a rich ecosystem of health trackers.
Now that we are used to having them on our devices, we thought we'd ask you — do you use you health apps in any way? Even just to check your steps from time to time. Well, it seems like, for many, it has actually become a useful feature. The votes in the poll show that, but our users also praised Samsung's S Health for its vast array of features and tracking options. Not to mention, it can sync to quite a lot of 3rd party apps and devices. Here's how the votes tallied up:
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