Results: Tap vs Swipe vs Voice: How do you type?

Last week, we asked you what input method do you use for your typing needs – tapping, swiping, voice or a combination of the above. And the results are now in.
It appears that the majority of you prefer the classic Tap method, since it racked in 43.46% of your votes. Combined Tap + Swipe followed in a close second with 33.13%. The top three is completed by the Swipe option, which was voted for by 20.04% of you.
Unsurprisingly, Voice and Others have only managed to get 1.84% and 1.53% respectively. This only makes sense, considering the speech recognition is often slightly inaccurate, and a lot of people would rather silently type, than say their private messages out loud for the random bystanders to hear.
It appears that the majority of you prefer the classic Tap method, since it racked in 43.46% of your votes. Combined Tap + Swipe followed in a close second with 33.13%. The top three is completed by the Swipe option, which was voted for by 20.04% of you.
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