Red, Blue or Pink for your iPhone after a visit to The SmartPhone Clinic

The white iPhone 4 might remain just a rumor if you count on Apple, but for those of you who want their favorite iPhone in theelusive white now, The SmartPhone Clinic could be the right place. Astart-up by two 22-year-olds, Bryan Quintanilla and Tony Robino, thecompany will redesign your iPhone 4 in the extravagant red, blue andpink as well.
The “clinic” is located in Ft.Lauderdale, Florida and its main focus was smartphone repair, butBryan Quintanilla and Tony Robino might be right on the money withthe red, blue and pink redesigns for the iPhone. The newservice is called “iColors” and includes a completeredesign of the phone for 30 minutes. That means not just a colorfulsticker, but an actual glass.
You think the idea isn't worth it? Askthe Queens' kid, who made $130,000 off of white iPhone conversion kits.In comparison, The SmartPhone Clinic offers its colorful package for$189.99, while a complete iColors conversion goes for $229.99. Thedesigns are not limited to just colors – you can choose fromleather, carbon metal and wood among other designs. And the businessis booming. Check out Tony Robino's ambitions and the company'swebsite at the source link below:
"Shockingly, everything has workedout accordingly to our initial idea," said Tony Robino."Business has been so well that they are opening anotherlocation in Palm Beach County in March and soon after expanding toSan Antonio, TX. Our goal is to be a one-stop-shop for smart devicesand open The SmartPhone Clinic in every major market by 2013."
source: The SmartPhone Clinic

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