Project Glass augmented reality video is not merely a concept, AR features worked on after all

Google’s Project Glass stirred excitement from its first appearance. And no wonder - it comes with the revolutionary promise to become the first wearable smart display available to the masses. But with the passing of time, Google itself was forced to admit that it’s still too early to tell what the actual features will be, casting doubt over the initial hope of augmented reality glasses. Instead, the simple functions like the camera were said to be getting the most excited looks.
Now, though, Google Project Glass product lead Steve Lee clarifies that he hopes the UI and AR features shown in the first video (you can rewatch it below) will actually end up on the final device.
"We definitely didn't put out that video with the intention of it being some futuristic video that's many, many years away," Lee said.
We’ve seen awesome camera samples from Project Glass, showing just how many opportunities for images open up if you don’t have to reach out to your pocket for a camera or a phone. Lee confirmed that Google is working hard on the photographic component of the glasses, and that already is good news.
And finally, the product lead stressed that Google is on a tight clock on this: "If it can't be done in a reasonable time frame, then nothing else really matters." Just yesterday, we saw Google’s Sergey Brin say that Project Glass could make it to retail shelves “sometime next year.”
source: Fast Company

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