Price of Canonical's Ubuntu Edge smartphone lowered and now fixed at $695 until the end of the campaign

The story of the Ubuntu Edge isdefinitely an inspiring one – a promise of computing convergence,along with sometruly dizzying specs.
Unfortunately for Canonical, thecompany behind the Linux-based Ubuntu and the Edgesmartphone, its crowd-sourced campaign over at Indiegogois shaping up to be a failure. Off to an impressive start, the UbuntuEdge managed to raise a whopping $2million in under 12 hours from the start of the campaign on July22. Fastforward to August 7, and the amount raised was $8.37 million –an almost complete stop if you consider that six days earlier, thesum was $7.75 million.
In what seemslike an attempt to bring the campaign back to life, the team behindCanonical has just announced that they're lowering the minimum pledgerequired to secure an Ubuntu Edge. Fixed for the rest of thecampaign, it will now cost you $695, down from $775.
With14 days left until the end of the campaign it is unlikely that thismove will manage to breathe life back into the effort. We remind youthat the campaign will only get funded should it reach its goal of$32 million. In other words: everything or nothing. And 'nothing',precisely, seems likely to be the case. We, for one, can't help buthope we're very wrong.
source: Indiegogo
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