Power Flashlight activates your torch with just 3 clicks of the power button

So, we've all been in situations where we'd suddenly find ourselves in the dark – be it due to a power outage, a malfunction, needing to cross an unlit area, or just looking for the light switch in an unknown place. Our phones' LED flashlights are, nowadays, a pretty common solution to such problems – in recent years, both iOS and various Android skins have had Torch functionality built-in, and for Android or WP users who don't have such an option on their phone – their platform's respective store is brim-packed with Torch apps, which have been amassing over the years.
Now, there is a small issue with 3rd party Torch apps, however – while a manufacturer-installed flashlight usually has a shortcut somewhere in the notifications drop-down, or another convenient and easily accessible place in the phone's UI, a 3rd party app leaves the responsibility of its icon placement to the user (and, most of the times, the choice is limited to either the home screen or the app drawer). Herein lies the problem – most of us don't need a Torch every day, so even if we download such an app, it will most certainly be pushed out of our home screens, to a place in the phone, reserved for much less used apps. And then, when we find ourselves in a dark spot, pulling activating the flashlight turns into a task a bit too slow and complicated for comfort.
Now, the app is free, riddled with ads, and it doesn't allow you to turn the Torch off with the triple button tap until you shell out $0.99 for a “full” version – if you decide to keep using the free one, you will have to unlock your phone and enter the app each time you wish to turn the Torch off.
Download: Android
via: Android Police
Well, out of the bulk of flashlight apps in the Play Store, Power Flashlight allows the user to activate the LED with just 3 clicks of their phone's power button (when display is off – if display is on, you need to click 4 times). It is not the fastest-reacting app on the market, as it takes 2-3 seconds before the LED actually turns on, however, it could be an invaluable tool for quick reaction to sudden blackouts.
Now, the app is free, riddled with ads, and it doesn't allow you to turn the Torch off with the triple button tap until you shell out $0.99 for a “full” version – if you decide to keep using the free one, you will have to unlock your phone and enter the app each time you wish to turn the Torch off.
Download: Android
via: Android Police
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