Poll results: How often do you post app reviews on Google Play or the App Store?

We asked you yesterday whether you bother to make a review or a simple comment about an app you have installed, to help your fellow Android or iOS users. A pretty large part of our respondents - almost a third - never post any reviews, just use and abuse the apps they grab from the Play or App Stores. Only 13% post regular reviews, and the rest are occasional opinion-givers.
Contrary to popular conspiracy theories, developers can't delete a review you have posted for their apps in Google Play or the App Store. They can reply to it, and they do get some valuable information from a review besides its textual content, but they can't delete a comment, be it positive or negative.
What comes with your review is the type of device on which the app was installed, its manufacturer, hardware and software platforms, display pixel density, application version codes, and so on. These help devs with troubleshooting, and that's about it. Given the fresh development around reviews in the Play Store, where Google will now let you "thumb up" separate comments you like, we wanted to ask you how often do you actually bother to post app reviews, and here come the results.

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