Poll results: Do you like where Apple is heading with iOS 7?

We asked you to comment recently if iOS 7 was everything you hoped for, or you thought Apple is just playing catch up still. Needless to say, there were a bunch of heated arguments for and against, and more than 3000 respondents chimed in.
With 51.45% of the vote, preference was given to the statement that with iOS 7 Apple has introduced features that should have been there long ago, and other mobile operating systems have had for a good while now.
Here's a good argument for this camp, made by our reader HichTechToid:
Let's be real here; Apple didn't really do anything with iOS that its competitors aren't already doing that would make someone from the competition go 'hey, I think I'll switch.' All they did today is make their most loyal customers or those who are too deeply engaged in the Apple ecosystem happy. The lock screen is almost an exact duplicate of the Samsung Galaxy S4 (irony?). Multitasking is basically webOS with HTC's Android interface. Control Center is something they should have had years ago anyway. Notification center and the fact that everything is now 'opaque' is just one of the more popular jailbreak apps for iPhone (IntelliScreenX) that they tried to position as their own. They took a shot at Samsung with Airdrop, but ironically again Samsung phones can send files to each other without having to 'bump' (bumping is just another convenience option option).
Really, the only thing I liked was what they did with the calendar and activation lock, because I live off of my calendar. And even their calendar looks to be shortlived since Any.Do has their calendar that looks just as nice coming out. But, in the end, it's the same OS with some features they've needed for years now anyway and with a theme. I don't consider a theme a "redesigned" UI, but that's a personal opinion.
I was hoping Apple was going to be more competitive and they weren't. I do not regret one bit buying my GS4, as Apple didn't do anything today that would make me want to switch.
Really, the only thing I liked was what they did with the calendar and activation lock, because I live off of my calendar. And even their calendar looks to be shortlived since Any.Do has their calendar that looks just as nice coming out. But, in the end, it's the same OS with some features they've needed for years now anyway and with a theme. I don't consider a theme a "redesigned" UI, but that's a personal opinion.
I was hoping Apple was going to be more competitive and they weren't. I do not regret one bit buying my GS4, as Apple didn't do anything today that would make me want to switch.
The rest of you were pretty pleased with Sir Jony Ive's redesign, and the abundance of new functionalities that are coming down the pipe to make your trusted iPhone feel like a brand new device. This side also has some pretty compelling arguments, well described in the comment of reader OnlyiPhone:
People please stop with all the iOS is playing catch up and iPhones suck stuff. The reveal for iOS7 was not about stealing looks and features from WP or Android because for the die hard iOS fans they don't care. The other OS's out there are good as well actually great and so is iOS. Yes Android has features first but thats not always good because google just puts it in a software release and leaves it up to the manufacturers of the phones to implement it in a way that will work good without killing the phone or slowing it down. I like Apples approach they are about the consumer experience not the competition. Sure you can just throw feature in every year and say hey here you go, but no that's not Apple. They find a way to really make it work not at the expense or usability and battery life and that's what ultimately the consumers needs. Every OS is great in there own way I myself have had phones other than iPhones and they were great but my preference is iOS it just works for me not everybody else just me. So let us iOS fans not fanboys I'm not a fanboy because I give praise where praise is due no matter what the OS is. I am merely a person that likes iOS and to an iOS user these features are new and welcomed. Us iOS users could care less about what Andorid or WP had first because if we did we would go get one. So just let us iOS users for once just be happy with the new iOS features without people that could care less about iOS saying oh this has been out on other OS's for years when we don't care we have not had it and we have it now and that is all we care about.
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