Poll results: As a consumer, to what extent do you value IP-certified, water- and dust-resistance in smartphones and tablets?

With two out of three new major flagships coming with IP certification of dust- and water-resistance, it was only natural for us to start wondering whether we're entering into a new trend. But despite the initial appeal of said certification, we've often come to question the extent of its usefulness, at least at the whole. That is precisely the reason we endeavored to crowd-storm with alongside you, through a poll that also sought to incite your opinion in the comment section.
So what does the crowd say? Well, apparently, there's a pretty significant split in opinions. Most of you (47.71%) consider IP certification a massive plus, but it's also telling that almost as many people (43.36) feel as if that's nothing more than a perk and nothing beyond that. What's more, 8.93% of participants feel as if the resources spent on designing a waterproofed phone could be better spent elsewhere. To them, IP certification is virtually useless.
So what do these results tell us? In all honesty -- nothing that we didn't suspect already. There's a very obvious split, almost 50/50, between those who value IP certification, and those who do not. Perhaps the most compelling argument for the former that we've come across, is usage in the bath tub and at the beach. Underwater photography sounds pretty fun, we'll tell you that.
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