Poll results: 40% of voters say Nougat is no good, 28% don't really care about Android's next name

Each major Android build comes with a dessert code name, each one starting with the next letter in the alphabet. For fans of Google's OS, the speculation and debating over what the next Android name might be has turned into a fun past-time with its own tense buildup. It may seem a trivial thing that we care about the name of an update as much as we do about the features it upgrades, but hey – no one is immune to hype.
It's fairly safe to say that not many were expecting a name like “Nougat” to be pinned on the next major Android build. In fact, many weren't sure what type of dessert it was. In any case – it's been announced, there is a statue, it's final. We decided to ask our readers how they feel about Android 7's name, here's how the vote went:
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