Do you use your phone while driving?

Distracted driving is reaching epic (and epidemic) proportions, as people even have trouble keeping strictly in their lanes now, while perusing their handsets for texting, chatting, or even playing Pokemon Go by defeating the whole purpose of the game.
Case in point is the new hands-free law in Georgia that forbids even touching your handset while behind the wheel. That one resulted in more than a 100 tickers per day since its introduction at the beginning of the month, but we are fairly certain that any traffic cop standing at any of our great nation's city crossroads could achieve the same Georgian "success" story.
Phones just do too much these days. They are our go-to devices for chatting, recording, checking stuff online, getting directions, you name it. It's just hard not to reach for them the second something passes our mind, or we need to reach someone. Heaven forbid that a notification goes unchecked, that is why we wanted to ask do you (honestly!) use your phone while driving? Don't hold back now, we ain't Georgian state troopers.
Things that are NOT allowed: